module Nuggets::LogParser



Public Class Methods

register(base, *modules) click to toggle source
   # File lib/nuggets/log_parser.rb
36 def self.register(base, *modules)
37   base.send(:include, *modules << self)
38   base.extend(base)
39 end

Public Instance Methods

parse(input) { |dup| ... } click to toggle source
   # File lib/nuggets/log_parser.rb
41 def parse(input)
42   entry = {}
44   input.each { |line| parse_line(line, entry) {
45     unless entry.empty?
46       yield entry.dup
47       entry.clear
48     end
49   } }
51   yield entry unless entry.empty?
52 end
parse_file(file, &block) click to toggle source
   # File lib/nuggets/log_parser.rb
59 def parse_file(file, &block)
60   block ||= (entries = []; lambda { |entry| entries << entry })
62   (file =~ GZ_EXT_RE ? Zlib::GzipReader : ::File).open(file) { |f|
63     block.arity == 1 ? parse(f, &block) : block[f, method(:parse)]
64   }
66   entries
67 end
parse_line(line, entry = {}) click to toggle source
   # File lib/nuggets/log_parser.rb
54 def parse_line(line, entry = {})
55   # Yield when entry complete. Preferrably return +entry+.
56   raise NotImplementedError, 'must be implemented by type'
57 end