module Nuggets::Object::RescueIfMixin

Public Instance Methods

rescue_if([args]) { |err| ... } click to toggle source

Rescue exceptions matching args, or StandardError if not given, if block returns true.

   # File lib/nuggets/object/rescue_if_mixin.rb
36 def rescue_if(*args, &block)
37   raise ::ArgumentError, 'no block given' unless block
39   args = [::StandardError] if args.empty?
41 {
42     define_singleton_method(:===) { |err|
43       block[err] if args.any? { |arg| arg === err }
44     }
45   }
46 end
rescue_unless([args]) { |err| ... } click to toggle source

Rescue exceptions matching args, or StandardError if not given, unless block returns true.

   # File lib/nuggets/object/rescue_if_mixin.rb
53 def rescue_unless(*args, &block)
54   raise ::ArgumentError, 'no block given' unless block
56   rescue_if(*args) { |err| !block[err] }
57 end