class Athena::CLI

Public Class Methods

defaults() click to toggle source
Calls superclass method
# File lib/athena/cli.rb, line 40
def defaults
    :config => 'config.yaml',
    :input  => '-',
    :output => '-',
    :target => nil

Public Instance Methods

run(arguments) click to toggle source
# File lib/athena/cli.rb, line 51
def run(arguments)
  spec = options[:spec] || options[:spec_fallback]
  abort "No input format (spec) specified and none could be inferred." unless spec
  abort "Invalid input format (spec): #{spec}. Use `-L' to get a list of available specs." unless Athena.valid_input_format?(spec)

  format = options[:format] || options[:format_fallback]
  abort "No output format specified and none could be inferred." unless format
  abort "Invalid output format: #{format}. Use `-l' to get a list of available formats." unless Athena.valid_output_format?(format)

  if t = options[:target]
    target_config = config[target = t.to_sym]
    [options[:target_fallback] || 'generic', ".#{spec}", ":#{format}"].inject([]) { |s, t|
      s << (s.last ? s.last + t : t)
    }.reverse.find { |t| target_config = config[target = t.to_sym] }
  end or abort "Config not found for target: #{target}."

  input = options[:input]
  input = arguments.shift unless input != defaults[:input] || arguments.empty?
  input = ? : open_file_or_std(input)

  quit unless arguments.empty?, spec, format, input, open_file_or_std(options[:output], true))

Private Instance Methods

merge_config(args = [defaults]) click to toggle source
Calls superclass method
# File lib/athena/cli.rb, line 79
def merge_config(args = [defaults])
opts(opts) click to toggle source
# File lib/athena/cli.rb, line 83
def opts(opts)
  opts.on('-c', '--config YAML', "Config file [Default: #{defaults[:config]}#{' (currently not present)' unless File.readable?(defaults[:config])}]") { |config|
    quit "Can't find config file: #{config}" unless File.readable?(config)

    options[:config] = config

  opts.separator ''

  opts.on('-i', '--input FILE',  "Input file [Default: STDIN]") { |input|
    options[:input] = input

    parts = File.basename(input).split('.')
    options[:spec_fallback]   = parts.last.downcase
    options[:target_fallback] = parts.size > 1 ? parts[0..-2].join('.') : parts.first

  opts.on('-s', '--spec SPEC', "Input format (spec) [Default: file extension of <input-file>]") { |spec|
    options[:spec] = spec.downcase

  opts.on('-L', '--list-specs', "List available input formats (specs) and exit") {

  opts.separator ''

  opts.on('-o', '--output FILE',  "Output file [Default: STDOUT]") { |output|
    options[:output] = output
    options[:format_fallback] = output.split('.').last.downcase

  opts.on('-f', '--format FORMAT', "Output format [Default: file extension of <output-file>]") { |format|
    options[:format] = format.downcase

  opts.on('-l', '--list-formats', "List available output formats and exit") {

  opts.separator ''

  opts.on('-t', '--target ID', "Target whose config to use [Default: <input-file> minus file extension,", "plus '.<spec>', plus ':<format>' (reversely in turn)]") { |target|
    options[:target] = target
print_formats(direction) click to toggle source