module Nuggets::Array::MeanMixin

Public Instance Methods

arithmetic_mean → aFloat click to toggle source
arithmetic_mean { |x| ... } → aFloat

Calculates the arithmetic mean of the values in array.

An optional block may be passed to provide a weight for each value. Defaults to 1. Returns nil if the sum of all weights is zero (this includes array being empty).

   # File lib/nuggets/array/mean_mixin.rb
70 def arithmetic_mean(&block)
71   generalized_mean(1, &block)
72 end
Also aliased as: mean, average, avg
Alias for: arithmetic_mean
Alias for: arithmetic_mean
generalized_mean(exponent) → aFloat click to toggle source
generalized_mean(exponent) { |x| ... } → aFloat

Calculates the generalized mean of the values in array for exponent. Returns the geometric_mean if exponent is zero.

An optional block may be passed to provide a weight for each value. Defaults to 1. Returns nil if the sum of all weights is zero (this includes array being empty).

   # File lib/nuggets/array/mean_mixin.rb
42 def generalized_mean(exponent, &block)
43   return geometric_mean(&block) if
45   total, weights = 0, 0
47   each { |x|
48     weight = block ? block[x] : 1
50     total   += weight * x ** exponent
51     weights += weight
52   }
54   (total / weights.to_f) ** (1.0 / exponent) unless
55 end
Also aliased as: power_mean, minkowski_mean
Alias for: geometric_mean
geometric_mean → aFloat click to toggle source
geometric_mean { |x| ... } → aFloat

Calculates the geometric mean of the values in array.

An optional block may be passed to provide a weight for each value. Defaults to 1. Returns nil if the sum of all weights is zero (this includes array being empty).

    # File lib/nuggets/array/mean_mixin.rb
121 def geometric_mean
122   total, weights = 1, 0
124   each { |x|
125     weight = block_given? ? yield(x) : 1
127     total   *= x ** weight
128     weights += weight
129   }
131   total ** (1 / weights.to_f) unless
132 end
Also aliased as: geomean
Alias for: harmonic_mean
harmonic_mean → aFloat click to toggle source
harmonic_mean { |x| ... } → aFloat

Calculates the harmonic mean of the values in array.

An optional block may be passed to provide a weight for each value. Defaults to 1. Returns nil if the sum of all weights is zero (this includes array being empty).

    # File lib/nuggets/array/mean_mixin.rb
105 def harmonic_mean(&block)
106   generalized_mean(-1, &block)
107 end
Also aliased as: harmean
Alias for: arithmetic_mean
minkowski_mean(exponent, &block)
Alias for: generalized_mean
power_mean(exponent, &block)
Alias for: generalized_mean
Alias for: root_mean_square
report_mean → anArray click to toggle source
report_mean(method[, precision]) → anArray

Expects array to be an array of arrays (“rows”) of numeric values; the first “row” may consist of strings (labels) instead. Returns an array of strings with the mean (according to method, default mean) of each “column”, prepended with the label, if present, and appended with the standard deviation, if available; all values are subject to precision.

If array is a flat array of numeric values, it is treated as a single “column”.

Returns nil if array is empty.

Examples (with standard deviation):

[[9.4, 34.75], [9.46, 34.68], [9.51, 34.61]].report_mean
#=> ["9.4567 +/- 0.0450", "34.6800 +/- 0.0572"]

[[9.4, 34.75], [9.46, 34.68], [9.51, 34.61]].report_mean(:harmonic)
#=> ["9.4565 +/- 0.0450", "34.6799 +/- 0.0572"]

[["a", "b"], [9.4, 34.75], [9.46, 34.68], [9.51, 34.61]].report_mean(nil, 2)
#=> ["a  9.46 +/- 0.04", "b  34.68 +/- 0.06"]'csv', headers: true, converters: :numeric).to_a.report_mean
#=> ["a    9.4567 +/- 0.0450", "b    34.6800 +/- 0.0572"]

[9.4, 9.46, 9.51].report_mean
#=> ["9.4567 +/- 0.0450"]

[34.75, 34.68, 34.61].report_mean
#=> ["34.6800 +/- 0.0572"]

#=> nil
    # File lib/nuggets/array/mean_mixin.rb
174 def report_mean(method = nil, precision = 4)
175   return if empty?
177   return clone.replace(
178     report_mean(method, precision) unless first.is_a?(self.class)
180   met, sep = [method ||= :mean, 'mean'], ['', '_']
181   lab, std = first.first.is_a?(::String), respond_to?(:std)
183   fmt = ["%-#{precision}s", "%.#{precision}f", "+/- %.#{precision}f"]
185   until respond_to?(method) || sep.empty?
186     method = met.join(sep.shift)
187   end
189! { |x|
190     i, a = [], []
192     i << 0 and a << x.shift if lab
193     i << 1 and a << x.send(method)
194     i << 2 and a << x.std if std
196     fmt.values_at(*i).join(' ') % a
197   }
198 end
Alias for: root_mean_square
root_mean_square → aFloat click to toggle source
root_mean_square { |x| ... } → aFloat

Calculates the root mean square (quadratic mean) of the values in array.

An optional block may be passed to provide a weight for each value. Defaults to 1. Returns nil if the sum of all weights is zero (this includes array being empty).

   # File lib/nuggets/array/mean_mixin.rb
88 def root_mean_square(&block)
89   generalized_mean(2, &block)
90 end
Also aliased as: rms, quadratic_mean