module Nuggets::Object::BlankMixin

Public Instance Methods

blank? → +true+ or +false+ click to toggle source

Basically a short-cut to object.nil? || object.empty?.

   # File lib/nuggets/object/blank_mixin.rb
35 def blank?(*modifiers)
36   if block_given?
37     return true if yield(dup).blank?
38   end
40   if modifiers.empty?
41     respond_to?(:empty?) ? empty? : !self
42   else
43     return true if blank?
45     modifiers.each { |modifier|
46       if respond_to?(modifier)
47         if modifier.to_s =~ /\?\z/
48           return true if send(modifier)
49         else
50           return true if send(modifier).blank?
51         end
52       end
53     }
55     false
56   end
57 end
Alias for: void?
void? → +true+ or +false+ click to toggle source

Adds white-space strings, 0 and arrays of nil objects to the list of blank objects.

   # File lib/nuggets/object/blank_mixin.rb
64 def void?
65   blank?(:zero?, :strip, :compact)
66 end
Also aliased as: vain?