class String

Public Class Methods

gimme_match_data! click to toggle source

Replaces the traditional substitution methods with their MatchData passing equivalents. USE WITH CAUTION!

   # File lib/nuggets/string/sub_with_md.rb
81 def self.gimme_match_data!
82   alias_method :sub,   :sub_with_md
83   alias_method :sub!,  :sub_with_md!
84   alias_method :gsub,  :gsub_with_md
85   alias_method :gsub!, :gsub_with_md!
86 end

Public Instance Methods

ansicolor2css() click to toggle source
    # File lib/nuggets/ansicolor2css.rb
118 def ansicolor2css
119   ::Nuggets::ANSIColor2CSS.convert(self)
120 end
Also aliased as: ansicolour2css
Alias for: ansicolor2css
capitalize_first → new_string click to toggle source

Capitalizes the first character in str, but without downcasing the rest like String#capitalize does.

   # File lib/nuggets/string/capitalize_first.rb
34 def capitalize_first
35   empty? ? self : self[0..0].upcase << self[1..-1]
36 end
capitalize_first! → str click to toggle source

Destructive version of capitalize_first.

   # File lib/nuggets/string/capitalize_first.rb
42 def capitalize_first!
43   replace(capitalize_first)
44 end
capitalized? → +true+ or +false+ click to toggle source

Tell whether str is capitalized.

   # File lib/nuggets/string/case.rb
77 def capitalized?
78   self == capitalize
79 end
case → aSymbol click to toggle source

Returns a symbol indicating the case of str.

   # File lib/nuggets/string/case.rb
41 def case
42   self == downcase ? Case::LOWER :
43   self == upcase   ? Case::UPPER :
44                      Case::MIXED
45 end
Alias for: lower_case?
from_dotted_decimal → anInteger click to toggle source

Converts str from dotted-decimal notation to integer.

   # File lib/nuggets/dotted_decimal.rb
47 def from_dotted_decimal
48   split('.').map { |i| i.to_i.to_binary_s(8) }.join.to_i(2)
49 end
gsub_with_md(pattern) { |match_data| ... } → new_str click to toggle source

Just like gsub, but passes the MatchData object instead of the current match string to the block.

   # File lib/nuggets/string/sub_with_md.rb
60 def gsub_with_md(pattern, replacement = nil, &block)
61   replacement ?
62     gsub_without_md(pattern, replacement) :
63     (_dup = dup).gsub_with_md!(pattern, &block) || _dup
64 end
gsub_with_md!(pattern) { |match_data| ... } → str or +nil+ click to toggle source

Destructive version of gsub_with_md.

   # File lib/nuggets/string/sub_with_md.rb
70 def gsub_with_md!(pattern, replacement = nil)
71   replacement ?
72     gsub_without_md!(pattern, replacement) :
73     gsub_without_md!(pattern) { |match| yield $~ }
74 end
lower_case? → +true+ or +false+ click to toggle source

Tell whether str is all lower case.

   # File lib/nuggets/string/case.rb
51 def lower_case?
52 == Case::LOWER
53 end
Also aliased as: downcase?
map_diacritics() click to toggle source
    # File lib/nuggets/i18n.rb
146 def map_diacritics
147   (_dup = dup).map_diacritics! || _dup
148 end
map_diacritics!() click to toggle source
    # File lib/nuggets/i18n.rb
150 def map_diacritics!
151   re, block = ::Nuggets::I18n.args_for_map_diacritics
152   gsub!(re, &block)
153 end
mixed_case? → +true+ or +false+ click to toggle source

Tell whether str is mixed case.

   # File lib/nuggets/string/case.rb
69 def mixed_case?
70 == Case::MIXED
71 end
msub(*substitutions) → new_str click to toggle source

Performs multiple substitutions on str with order being taken into account (thus results of previous substitutions won't be subject to later ones) – inspired by Ruby Cookbook example 1.18.

The substitutions parameter can be an array or a list of [pattern, substitution] pairs, or, simply, a hash. Note that, when using a hash, the ordering of how substitutions are processed might differ from what you intended – instead use an array when order matters. pattern can be a string or a regexp, substitution can be a string (which may contain string expressions; cf. evaluate), a proc (which will be call()ed), or any object really (which will be converted into a string).

   # File lib/nuggets/string/msub.rb
45 def msub(*substitutions)
46   (_dup = dup).msub!(*substitutions) || _dup
47 end
msub!(*substitutions) → str or +nil+ click to toggle source

Destructive version of msub.

   # File lib/nuggets/string/msub.rb
53 def msub!(*substitutions)
54   options = substitutions.last.is_a?(::Hash) ? substitutions.pop : {}
55   binding = options.delete(:__binding__) || ::Kernel.binding
57   keys, subs, cache = [], [], {}
59   substitutions.concat(options.to_a).each { |key, value|
60     key = unless key.is_a?(::Regexp)
62     keys << key
63     subs << [key, value]
64   }
66   gsub!(::Regexp.union(*keys)) { |match|
67     cache[match] ||= begin
68       value = subs.find { |key, _| key =~ match }.last
70       if value.respond_to?(:evaluate)
71         # make match available for string evaluation
72         eval("__match__ = #{match.inspect}", binding)
74         value.evaluate(binding)
75       elsif value.respond_to?(:call)
77       else
78         value
79       end
80     end
81   }
82 end
nsub(pattern, replacement, count) → new_str click to toggle source
nsub(pattern, count) { |match| ... } → new_str

Returns a copy of str with the first count occurrences of pattern replaced with either replacement or the value of the block.

   # File lib/nuggets/string/nsub.rb
35 def nsub(*args, &block)
36   (_dup = dup).nsub!(*args, &block) || _dup
37 end
nsub!(pattern, replacement, count) → str or +nil+ click to toggle source
nsub!(pattern, count) { |match| ... } → str or +nil+

Performs the substitutions of nsub in place, returning str, or nil if no substitutions were performed.

   # File lib/nuggets/string/nsub.rb
45 def nsub!(*args)
46   pattern, i = args.first, 0
48   case args.size
49     when 2
50       # Only +count+ given
51       count = args.last
53       gsub!(pattern) { |match| (i += 1) <= count ? yield(match) : match }
54     when 3
55       # Both +replacement+ and +count+ given;
56       # ignore block (just like String#gsub does)
57       replacement, count = args.values_at(1, 2)
59       gsub!(pattern) { |match| (i += 1) <= count ? replacement : match }
60     else
61       raise ::ArgumentError, "wrong number of arguments (#{args.size} for 2-3)"
62   end
63 end
replace_diacritics → new_str click to toggle source

Substitutes any diacritics in str with their replacements as per Nuggets::I18n::DIACRITICS.

    # File lib/nuggets/i18n.rb
118 def replace_diacritics
119   (_dup = dup).replace_diacritics! || _dup
120 end
replace_diacritics! → str or +nil+ click to toggle source

Destructive version of replace_diacritics.

    # File lib/nuggets/i18n.rb
126 def replace_diacritics!
127   diacritics = ::Nuggets::I18n::DIACRITICS
129   gsub!(/#{::Regexp.union(*diacritics.keys)}/) { |m|
130     s = diacritics[m]
132     # Try to adjust case:
133     #   'Äh' => 'AEh' => 'Aeh'
134     #
135     # But:
136     #   'SÖS' => 'SOES' (not 'SOeS'!)
137     if s.length > 1
138       t = $'[0, 1]
139       s[1..-1] = s[1..-1].downcase if t == t.downcase
140     end
142     s
143   }
144 end
sub_with_md(pattern) { |match_data| ... } → new_str click to toggle source

Just like sub, but passes the MatchData object instead of the current match string to the block.

   # File lib/nuggets/string/sub_with_md.rb
39 def sub_with_md(pattern, replacement = nil, &block)
40   replacement ?
41     sub_without_md(pattern, replacement) :
42     (_dup = dup).sub_with_md!(pattern, &block) || _dup
43 end
sub_with_md!(pattern) { |match_data| ... } → str or +nil+ click to toggle source

Destructive version of sub_with_md.

   # File lib/nuggets/string/sub_with_md.rb
49 def sub_with_md!(pattern, replacement = nil)
50   replacement ?
51     sub_without_md!(pattern, replacement) :
52     sub_without_md!(pattern) { |match| yield $~ }
53 end
Alias for: upper_case?
upper_case? → +true+ or +false+ click to toggle source

Tell whether str is all upper case.

   # File lib/nuggets/string/case.rb
60 def upper_case?
61 == Case::UPPER
62 end
Also aliased as: upcase?
word_wrap(line_width) → new_str click to toggle source

Word wrap a string not exceeding line_width. Based on the Ruby Facets implementation, but preserves paragraphs. Thus str == str.word_wrap(str.split("\n").map { |l| l.length }.max).

   # File lib/nuggets/string/word_wrap.rb
37 def word_wrap(line_width = 80, as_array = false)
38   wrapped = []
40   split(/(\n+)/).to_enum(:each_slice, 2).each { |paragraph, linebreaks|
41     wrapped << paragraph.word_wrap_paragraph!(line_width) << linebreaks
42   }
44   wrapped = wrapped.join
46   as_array ? wrapped.split("\n") : wrapped
47 end
word_wrap!(line_width) → str click to toggle source

As with word_wrap, but modifies the string in place.

   # File lib/nuggets/string/word_wrap.rb
53 def word_wrap!(line_width = 80)
54   replace(word_wrap(line_width))
55 end
word_wrap_paragraph(line_width) → new_str click to toggle source

Similar to word_wrap, but assumes a single paragraph.

   # File lib/nuggets/string/word_wrap.rb
61 def word_wrap_paragraph(line_width = 80)
62   (_dup = dup).word_wrap_paragraph!(line_width) || _dup
63 end
word_wrap_paragraph!(line_width) → str click to toggle source

Destructive version of word_wrap_paragraph.

   # File lib/nuggets/string/word_wrap.rb
69 def word_wrap_paragraph!(line_width = 80)
70   gsub!(/(.{1,#{line_width}})(?:\s+|$)/, "\\1\n")
71   sub!(/\n$/, '')
73   self
74 end