class Array

Public Instance Methods

array % other_array → aString click to toggle source
array % str → aString

Format–Uses the first string in array for which the corresponding combination of other_array does not contain blank elements as a format specification, and returns the result of applying it to that combination (cf. String#%). Returns an empty string if other_array is empty.

Applies to string argument accordingly: First string in array applied to str; empty string if str is empty.

   # File lib/nuggets/array/format.rb
42 def %(args)
43   opts = { sep: ', ' }
44   opts.update(pop) if last.is_a?(::Hash)
46   default = lambda { |n| ['%s'] * n * opts[:sep] }
48   case args
49     when ::String
50       return (first || default[1]) % args unless
51         args.nil? || args.empty?
52     when ::Array
53       i = 0
54       [*args].comb { |x|
55         return (self[i] || default[x.size]) % x unless
56           x.empty? || x.any? { |y| y.nil? || y.empty? }
58         i += 1
59       }
60   end
62   ''
63 end
ascending? → +true+ or +false+ click to toggle source

Check whether array is (strictly) ascending.

   # File lib/nuggets/array/monotone.rb
51 def ascending?(strict = false)
52   monotone?(strict ? :< : :<=)
53 end
Also aliased as: increasing?
comb(n, ...) → new_array click to toggle source
comb(n, ...) { |combination| ... } → new_array

Returns an array of arrays of each possible n-combination of array for each given n. If a block is given, each combination is yielded to it. Based on <>.

   # File lib/nuggets/array/combination.rb
36 def comb(*sizes)
37   # If no sizes are given, produce all!
38   sizes = (0..size).to_a.reverse if sizes.empty?
40   combinations, collect_and_yield = [], lambda { |combination|
41     yield combination if block_given?
42     combinations << combination
43   }
45   sizes.each { |n|
46     case n
47       when 0        # Short-cut (breaks recursion)
48         collect_and_yield[[]]
49       when 1..size  # Ignore out-of-range values
50         self[1..-1].comb(n - 1) { |combination|
51           collect_and_yield[combination.unshift(first)]
52         }
53         self[1..-1].comb(n) { |combination|
54           collect_and_yield[combination]
55         }
56     end
57   }
59   combinations
60 end
decreasing?(strict = false)
Alias for: descending?
descending? → +true+ or +false+ click to toggle source

Check whether array is (strictly) descending.

   # File lib/nuggets/array/monotone.rb
69 def descending?(strict = false)
70   monotone?(strict ? :> : :>=)
71 end
Also aliased as: decreasing?
flatten_once → new_array click to toggle source

Flatten array by one level only. Pretty straight-forward port of David Alan Black's flattenx C implementation (though much slower, of course ;-).

   # File lib/nuggets/array/flatten_once.rb
34 def flatten_once
35   flat = []
37   each { |element|
38     if element.is_a?(::Array)
39       flat += element
40     else
41       flat << element
42     end
43   }
45   flat
46 end
flatten_once! → array click to toggle source

Destructive version of flatten_once.

   # File lib/nuggets/array/flatten_once.rb
52 def flatten_once!
53   replace(flatten_once)
54 end
in_order(*ordered) → new_array click to toggle source

Force order, but ignore non-existing and keep remaining.


[:created_at, :email, :login, :updated_at].in_order(:login, :email)    #=> [:login, :email, :created_at, :updated_at]
[:created_at, :email, :login, :updated_at].in_order(:email, :address)  #=> [:email, :created_at, :login, :updated_at]
   # File lib/nuggets/array/in_order.rb
37 def in_order(*ordered)
38   ordered &= self
39   ordered + (self - ordered)
40 end
in_order!(*ordered) → array click to toggle source

Destructive version of in_order.

   # File lib/nuggets/array/in_order.rb
46 def in_order!(*ordered)
47   replace(in_order(*ordered))
48 end
increasing?(strict = false)
Alias for: ascending?
monotone?(operator) → +true+ or +false+ click to toggle source

Check whether array is monotone according to operator.

   # File lib/nuggets/array/monotone.rb
33 def monotone?(operator = nil)
34   if [nil, true, false].include?(operator)
35     ascending?(operator) || descending?(operator)
36   else
37     inject { |a, b|
38       return false unless a.send(operator, b)
39       b
40     }
42     true
43   end
44 end
Also aliased as: monotonic?
monotonic?(operator = nil)
Alias for: monotone?
only → anObject click to toggle source
only(+true+) → anObject

Returns the only element of array. Raises an IndexError if array's size is not 1, unless parameter true is passed.

Idea stolen from Gavin Sinclair's Ruby Extensions Project.

   # File lib/nuggets/array/only.rb
37 def only(relax = size == 1)
38   relax ? first : raise(::IndexError, 'not a single-element array')
39 end
rand → anItem click to toggle source

Randomly pick an item from array.

   # File lib/nuggets/array/rand.rb
33 def rand
34   at(::Kernel.rand(size))
35 end
shuffle → new_array click to toggle source

Shuffles array in random order. Select a different shuffling algorithm: Array.send(:alias_method, :shuffle, :shuffle_kfy).

   # File lib/nuggets/array/shuffle.rb
34 def shuffle
35   sort_by { ::Kernel.rand }
36 end
shuffle! → array click to toggle source

Destructive version of shuffle.

   # File lib/nuggets/array/shuffle.rb
58 def shuffle!
59   replace shuffle
60 end
shuffle_kfy → new_array click to toggle source

Non-destructive version of shuffle_kfy!.

   # File lib/nuggets/array/shuffle.rb
50 def shuffle_kfy
51   dup.shuffle_kfy!
52 end
shuffle_kfy! → array click to toggle source

Shuffles array in random order using the Knuth-Fisher-Yates algorithm.

   # File lib/nuggets/array/shuffle.rb
79 def shuffle_kfy!
80   (length - 1).downto(0) { |i|
81     n = rand(i + 1)
82     self[n], self[i] = self[i], self[n]
83   }
85   self
86 end
shuffle_knuth → new_array click to toggle source

Non-destructive version of shuffle_knuth!.

   # File lib/nuggets/array/shuffle.rb
42 def shuffle_knuth
43   dup.shuffle_knuth!
44 end
shuffle_knuth! → array click to toggle source

Shuffles array in random order using Knuth's algorithm.

   # File lib/nuggets/array/shuffle.rb
66 def shuffle_knuth!
67   0.upto(length - 2) { |i|
68     n = i + rand(length - i)
69     self[i], self[n] = self[n], self[i]
70   }
72   self
73 end
sort_by_dotted_decimal() click to toggle source
   # File lib/nuggets/dotted_decimal.rb
55 def sort_by_dotted_decimal
56   sort_by { |i| i.split('.').map { |j| j.to_i } }
57 end
strictly_ascending? → +true+ or +false+ click to toggle source

Check whether array is strictly ascending.

   # File lib/nuggets/array/monotone.rb
60 def strictly_ascending?
61   ascending?(true)
62 end
Also aliased as: strictly_increasing?
strictly_descending? → +true+ or +false+ click to toggle source

Check whether array is strictly descending.

   # File lib/nuggets/array/monotone.rb
78 def strictly_descending?
79   descending?(true)
80 end
Also aliased as: strictly_decreasing?
Alias for: strictly_ascending?
to_h(value = default = true)
Alias for: to_hash
to_hash → aHash click to toggle source
to_hash(value) → aHash
to_hash { |element| ... } → aHash

If neither value nor block is given, converts array, taken as an array of key/value pairs, into a hash, preserving sub-arrays (Thus: hash.to_a.to_h == hash). Otherwise, maps each element of array to value or the result of the block.


[[0, 0], [1, [2, 3]]].to_h  #=> { 0 => 0, 1 => [2, 3] }
%w[a b c d].to_h            #=> { "a" => "b", "c" => "d" }
%w[a b c d].to_h(1)         #=> { "a" => 1, "b" => 1, "c" => 1, "d" => 1 }
%w[a b].to_h { |e| e * 2 }  #=> { "a" => "aa", "b" => "bb" }
   # File lib/nuggets/array/to_hash.rb
46 def to_hash(value = default = true)
47   hash = {}
49   if block_given?
50     raise ::ArgumentError, 'both block and value argument given' unless default
52     each { |element| hash[element] = yield element }
53   elsif !default
54     each { |element| hash[element] = value }
55   else
56     return ::Hash[*flatten_once]
57   end
59   hash
60 end
Also aliased as: to_h