
  1. Histogram allocation

  2. Copying histograms

  3. Updating and accessing histogram elements

  4. Searching histogram ranges

  5. Histogram Statistics

  6. Histogram Operations

  7. Reading and writing histograms

  8. Extensions

    1. Histogram Operations

    2. Graph interface

    3. Histogram Fittings

  9. The histogram probability distribution

Histogram allocation

Copying Histograms

Updating and accessing histogram elements

Searching histogram ranges

Histogram Statistics

Histogram Operations

Reading and writing histograms


Histogram operations



The histogram probability distribution

The probability distribution function for a histogram consists of a set of bins which measure the probability of an event falling into a given range of a continuous variable x. A probability distribution function is defined by the following class, which actually stores the cumulative probability distribution function. This is the natural quantity for generating samples via the inverse transform method, because there is a one-to-one mapping between the cumulative probability distribution and the range [0,1]. It can be shown that by taking a uniform random number in this range and finding its corresponding coordinate in the cumulative probability distribution we obtain samples with the desired probability distribution.

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