NDLINAR: multi-linear, multi-parameter least squares fitting

The multi-dimension fitting library NDLINEAR is not included in GSL, but is provided as an extension library. This is available at the Patrick Alken’s page.


  1. Introduction

  2. Class and methods

  3. Examples


The NDLINEAR extension provides support for general linear least squares fitting to data which is a function of more than one variable (multi-linear or multi-dimensional least squares fitting). This model has the form where x is a vector of independent variables, a_i are the fit coefficients, and F_i are the basis functions of the fit. This GSL extension computes the design matrix X_{ij = F_j(x_i) in the special case that the basis functions separate: Here the superscript value j indicates the basis function corresponding to the independent variable x_j. The subscripts (i_1, i_2, i_3, …) refer to which basis function to use from the complete set. These subscripts are related to the index i in a complex way, which is the main problem this extension addresses. The model then becomes where n is the dimension of the fit and N_i is the number of basis functions for the variable x_i. Computationally, it is easier to supply the individual basis functions u^{(j) than the total basis functions F_i(x). However the design matrix X is easiest to construct given F_i(x). Therefore the routines below allow the user to specify the individual basis functions u^{(j) and then automatically construct the design matrix X.

Class and Methods


This example program generates data from the 3D isotropic harmonic oscillator wavefunction (real part) and then fits a model to the data using B-splines in the r coordinate, Legendre polynomials in theta, and sines/cosines in phi. The exact form of the solution is (neglecting the normalization constant for simplicity) The example program models psi by default.

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

N_DIM = 3
N_SUM_R = 10
R_MAX = 3.0

def psi_real_exact(k, l, m, r, theta, phi)
   rr = GSL::pow(r, l)*Math::exp(-r*r)*GSL::Sf::laguerre_n(k, l + 0.5, 2 * r * r)
   tt = GSL::Sf::legendre_sphPlm(l, m, Math::cos(theta))
   pp = Math::cos(m*phi)

basis_r = Proc.new { |r, y, params|
  params.eval(r, y)

basis_theta = Proc.new { |theta, y, params|
  for i in 0...N_SUM_THETA do
    y[i] = GSL::Sf::legendre_Pl(i, Math::cos(theta));

basis_phi = Proc.new { |phi, y, params|
  for i in 0...N_SUM_PHI do
    if i%2 == 0
      y[i] = Math::cos(i*0.5*phi)
      y[i] = Math::sin((i+1.0)*0.5*phi)


k = 5
l = 4
m = 2

NDATA = 3000

u = [basis_r, basis_theta, basis_phi]

rng = GSL::Rng.alloc()

bspline = GSL::BSpline.alloc(4, N_SUM_R - 2)
bspline.knots_uniform(0.0, R_MAX)

ndlinear = GSL::MultiFit::Ndlinear.alloc(N_DIM, N, u, bspline)
multifit = GSL::MultiFit.alloc(NDATA, ndlinear.n_coeffs)
vars = GSL::Matrix.alloc(NDATA, N_DIM)
data = GSL::Vector.alloc(NDATA)

for i in 0...NDATA do
  r = rng.uniform()*R_MAX
  theta = rng.uniform()*Math::PI
  phi = rng.uniform()*2*Math::PI
  psi = psi_real_exact(k, l, m, r, theta, phi)
  dpsi = rng.gaussian(0.05*psi)

  vars[i][0] = r
  vars[i][1] = theta
  vars[i][2] = phi

  data[i] = psi + dpsi

X = GSL::MultiFit::Ndlinear::design(vars, ndlinear)

coeffs, cov, chisq, = GSL::MultiFit::linear(X, data, multifit)

rsq = 1.0 - chisq/data.tss
STDERR.printf("chisq = %e, Rsq = %f\n", chisq, rsq)

eps_rms = 0.0
volume = 0.0
dr = 0.05;
dtheta = 5.0 * Math::PI / 180.0
dphi = 5.0 * Math::PI / 180.0
x = GSL::Vector.alloc(N_DIM)

r = 0.01
while r < R_MAX do
  theta = 0.0
  while theta < Math::PI do
    phi = 0.0
    while phi < 2*Math::PI do
      dV = r*r*Math::sin(theta)*r*dtheta*dphi
      x[0] = r
      x[1] = theta
      x[2] = phi

      psi_model, err = GSL::MultiFit::Ndlinear.calc(x, coeffs, ndlinear)
      psi = psi_real_exact(k, l, m, r, theta, phi)
      err = psi_model - psi
      eps_rms += err * err * dV;
      volume += dV;

      if phi == 0.0
        printf("%e %e %e %e\n", r, theta, psi, psi_model)

      phi += dphi
    theta += dtheta
  r += dr

eps_rms /= volume
eps_rms = Math::sqrt(eps_rms)
STDERR.printf("rms error over all parameter space = %e\n", eps_rms)

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